
Portfolio Website

Sep 30, 2023fullstack, portfolio, gatsby, sanity

Live site


Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This project represents a combination of my skills as an fullstack engineer, showcasing my work, projects, and blog posts. In this showcase, I'll walk you through the journey of creating this website using Gatsby.js, Sanity as a headless CMS, and the styling magic of Tailwind CSS.

The Vision

Every engineer needs a digital presence that not only reflects their skills but also serves as a hub for sharing knowledge and accomplishments. My vision for this project was to create a platform that seamlessly combines my projects, blog posts, and a glimpse into my engineering journey.

Technical Components

Gatsby.js: The foundation of this project is Gatsby.js, a blazing-fast static site generator. It empowers my website with speed, performance, and the ability to create a dynamic user experience while remaining highly optimized.

Sanity as a Headless CMS: To manage and organize my projects and blog posts, I turned to Sanity, a headless content management system. This allowed me to maintain content effortlessly while focusing on the presentation layer.

Tailwind CSS for Styling: Crafting a visually appealing and responsive design was made possible through Tailwind CSS. Its utility-first approach enabled me to style components efficiently while maintaining a consistent and polished look.

Projects Section

Within my portfolio, you'll find a dedicated section that highlights my projects. Each project is presented with detailed descriptions, images, and links, allowing visitors to explore my work in-depth.

Blog Posts

Sharing knowledge and insights is important to me. Through my blog posts, I dive into various topics, from technology trends to engineering principles. The website ensures that my blog posts are easily accessible and well-organized.

Personal Touch

This website also serves as an introduction to me as an engineer. Visitors can learn more about my background, skills, and areas of expertise. It's an invitation to connect and explore opportunities for collaboration.


My personal portfolio website demonstrates my proficiency in web development, design, and content management. It's more than just a collection of pages; it's a reflection of my journey as an engineer and a platform to share my knowledge and work with the world.

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